10 Reasons to Do a 3D Body Scan

3D body scanning is gaining popularity, allowing people to create a 3D scan of themselves in seconds. It helps them see their body as it looks, which is more than the reflection in a mirror. You can also get the biometrics of every body part. Thus, you can focus on an area over time and follow the progress.


The data from the scan is accurate and allows you to see yourself in a new way. You can make better decisions about your fitness and health goals. There are many other reasons why you should do a 3D body scan. They include:


It Is Safe


3D body scanning is safe for pregnant clients and accommodates overweight clients. The scanners rotate around you, taking a few seconds to develop an entire scan. The innovation is a result of needs in the health and fitness industry. It will help you when you are having difficulty exercising and help people in remote areas.


Gives an Accurate Picture


You do not have to use a mirror anymore because the 3D scanner will give you an accurate picture of your fitness goals. It is a vital thing since you will manage to set realistic goals and track them over time.


Use Scans to Create a Workout Plan


You can use the scans to create an accurate workout plan that accounts for your body composition. It will also allow you to consider your joint range of motion and limb length. 3D scans help custom-make your workout plan to meet your specific needs. You will achieve your goals faster with a reduction of injury risks.


Progress Reports


3D scanning technology provides you with biometric progress reports. You can assess different areas of your body and focus your workout on them. As you progress, the technology will allow you to see your progress. These reports encourage and challenge you to engage more with your gym.


Body Composition Information


The scans provide you with detailed body composition information. You will get to know your body fat percentage—how much fat mass or lean muscle you have. The report helps you improve your health as you exercise.


Posture and Balance Information


Posture and balance are essential when exercising. The information is vital to athletes, workplace injuries, or those who need physical therapy. It informs your gym instructor on the exercises he can help you out with as you regain your strength and balance.




Sometimes, it is hard to stick with a personal trainer. In this case, the 3D body scan is your last line of accountability. Seeing the results in the scanner reminds you of your goals. It also shows you how far or close you are to achieving them.


Combines Well With Other Services


Your trainer will look at your results and set your goals. They will also use different techniques to help you achieve your results. They will break down your goals into smaller milestones and help you achieve them.


Combines Well With Other Technology


3D scanning technology can work with other technologies. For example, clients can book classes from their mobile phones on an application.


Combines With Additional Classes


Your trainer can combine different classes with your various needs. You can get additional activities and lessons to help you achieve your goals.


For more information on the 3D body scan or to book a visit, call Daytona Laser Lipo at (386) 280-4500 to reach our office in South Daytona, Florida.

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