Does Red Light Therapy Give Weight Loss the Green Light?

Also referred to as infrared light or low-level laser therapy, red light therapy is an emerging fat removal procedure. This non-invasive treatment may sound too good to be true. However, proponents claim that it helped get rid of a significant amount of stubborn fat that exercise and diet failed to remove.


You might be wondering whether to give the treatment the green light. To make an informed and smart decision, you need to learn more about its pros, cons, and potential risks. Are you skeptical about the tons of wellness and health fads people and companies promote through various mediums? If so, you should consider putting some trust in proven science.


What Is Red Light Therapy?


This is a non-invasive procedure performed in a doctor’s office. Proponents of this popular form of weight loss or body sculpting technique claim that it can remove stubborn fat without surgery. It involves the use of low-level wavelengths of light to target layers of fat just below the surface of the skin.


Red light therapy can also help treat various skin issues like persistent wounds, scars, wrinkles, and more. In the early 90s, scientists used this technology to help grow different types of plants in space. They discovered that red light-emitting diodes could emit a certain level of light that helped promote photosynthesis and the growth of plants.


How Red Light Therapy Works


The mechanism behind this form of therapy is somewhat controversial and unclear. However, many people would swear to its effectiveness in promoting weight loss. According to one theory, low-level light therapy can temporarily break down part of the cell membrane. Consequently, stored fat cells leak out, shrink, and vacate the body through the natural waste removal process.


What Happens During the Procedure?


A trained professional, such as a cosmetic surgeon or certified dermatologist, performs the treatment. During the session, they will place the laser on each target area for between 10 and 40 minutes. According to most plastic surgeons and dermatologists, to see positive results, patients need at least six therapy sessions.


One of the most compelling benefits of red-light therapy is that there is no downtime following the treatment session. Hence, most patients can resume their normal activities after each session. However, to maintain positive results, you need to exercise regularly and stick to a healthy diet.


Does It Work for Weight Loss?


As stated earlier, this form of weight loss therapy is quite controversial. However, numerous patient testimonies and the results from various studies suggest that it can be a very effective weight-loss treatment. Nevertheless, some healthcare professionals and researchers are still somewhat unconvinced as to its purported benefits.


Does It Give Weight Loss the Green Light?


To date, several scientific studies suggest that red light therapy can provide benefits. Recently, there was a six-week pilot study involving 60 participants who received red light therapy sessions twice a week. Results showed a modest reduction in waist circumference. Most studies seem to show that red light therapy can lead to weight loss. However, there is some inconsistency among them.


Furthermore, research results showing the long-term results are quite limited. That said, most outcomes appear to be modest. Are you considering having red light therapy? If so, you should first talk to a qualified and experienced healthcare provider. This will help you determine whether this form of therapy gives weight loss the green light.


To learn more about this therapy, contact Daytona Laser Lipo at our office in South Daytona, Florida. You can call (386) 280-4500 today to schedule an appointment.

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